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PT Patra Bangun Properti


PT. Patra Bangun Property is a subsidiary of PT. Patra Dinamika who has involved in underwater services business to oil and gas industry more than 15 years
PT. Patra Dinamika is a national company and the leader in underwater services. It has complete and sophisticated diving equipment, 2 diving support vessels and 2 set ROV (remotely operated vehicle)
PT. Patra Dinamika also has several land banks in strategic locations, and ready to be developed by PT. Patra Bangun Properti, such as Padina Soho & Residence

The project was also supported with well known and reputable consultants and contractors such as :
• PT. Beringin Rancang Sejahtera
• PT. Cipta Sukses
• PT. Metasikom Primakons
• PT. Danatama Estima Sarana
• PT. Daya Creasi Mitrayasa
• PT. Wahana Trans Utama
• PT. Arsimekon


PADINA Soho and Residence, merupakan hunian apartemen dan kawasan bisnis berupa hunian small office home office (SOHO) pertama di daerah Daan Mogot, Jakarta Barat

PADINA Soho and Residence, merupakan hunian apartemen dan kawasan bisnis berupa hunian small office home office (SOHO) pertama di daerah Daan Mogot, Jakarta Barat

0 sqft
IDR 380 jt - 1.1 M
IDR 380 jt - 1.1 M
0 sqft